Wynta Alexander (she/her) is a full – time student at the City College of New York, CUNY where she is pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Additionally, she wears the hats of a clinical researcher, a psychotherapist in training, and an undergraduate instructor of Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology and Psychology of Racism and Prejudice. Her research interests consist of examining social determinants of health frameworks and drivers of health service utilization to inform the development of policy and programs that improve physical and mental health in racial/ethnic minoritized populations. Outside of her studies, Wynta trains in Brazilian jiu – jitsu (BJJ) and is presently a purple belt.
Contact Info : [email protected]

Dr. Bianca Vidal is a developmental psychologist who earned her Ph.D. from The Graduate Center, CUNY. She has been teaching Experimental Psychology at CCNY since Fall 2012. Her research focus is on eyewitness identification.
She is also the creator and administrator of “Argentinos en NY”, a social media networking community page and group with over 25,000+ active members and is a liaison between the Argentine Consulate of NY and the Argentinian community in the tri-state area.
Contact Info : [email protected]

Varnica Arora (she/her) is an activist-scholar, instructor, student, and baker. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her research interests lie at the intersection of mental health, social justice, gender, and public policy. She is currently working on her dissertation on experiences of care, support, and recovery in the aftermath of suicidal behaviors in India.
A graduate instructor in the Psychology department at the City College of New York, CUNY, Varnica has taught courses in Social Psychology, and designed a new course on Psychology and Social Media. Prior to joining academia, Varnica worked with non-profits in India as a community organizer and trainer, in close allyship with women’s Self-Help Groups (SHG) in Chhattisgarh, India.
Contact Info : [email protected]