I received feedback to separate the microaggression assignment into two assignments. Additionally, it was suggested that I shortened the components of the outline (e.g., asking for psychological consequences related to microaggression) and provide an alternative writing assignment. Now, the draft of the outline is a low stakes in class activity that will be conducted two weeks before the video presentation/paper is due to allow for edits to be made on their outline before incorporating the outline in their presentation/paper and submitting the final version of the outline. For the alternative writing assignment, students will be asked to submit a paper on a microaggression they have either endured or witnessed on a social media platform. Before the outline is conducted in class, examples of how microaggressions can be depicted in various settings including online will be discussed. The article below will be distributed to students and guide the class discussion.
Nothing Micro About It: Examining Ableist Microaggressions on Social Media (adityavashistha.com)
Low Stakes Class Assignment
Students will be asked to complete a one-page draft of the microaggression outline in class. Students will be asked to describe the microaggression, the theme of the microaggression, possible implied messages of the microaggression, and how this specific microaggression relate to parts of their own intersectionality/basic social groups and subtypes that they make up.